Rowan got this ball from Em for Christmas. It lights up when it bounces and was a pretty big hit-
Rowan, get used to it! You'll be covered in kisses from all your second grandmommies from this point forward:)
Lindsey and her main squeeze;) Maybe this is where Rowan gets his blonde hair?
A view of the water -
Rowan figured out where the ice cream is kept, and boy did he want it. He is his mama's child.
Aunt Rita coming in for some kisses -
Mom, the pictures I took of you with Rowan were all blurry! I'm sorry! But there were pictures, just so you know:) We love you and had so much fun!!! Next year we will hopefully have a little more time together around Christmas. Thank you so much, family! Rowan loved all his presents and just getting to visit family:)