Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin patch, park, carving pumkins (October fun)

Last weekend (Oct 18-19), we went to the pumpkin patch. It was cold, so we wrapped Rowan up in my scarf. Funny how he won't wear a hat, but he will wear the scarf.

Look how cute you are:)

We took a hayride out to the pumkin patch. Rowan seemed to really enjoy the hayride!

Rowan's proud of his pumpkin.

Sunday was beautiful, so we went to the park. Rowan slept through the trip, but Laney had a good time.

Sunday afternoon Jennie, Kristi, and Elizabeth came over, and we carved pumpkins! We had such a good time. Rowan seemed to enjoy playing in the goo. And we put him in his little pumkin outfit that his Grammy gave him.

Check out these pumpkins! From left to right:
Jennie's fall leaf, Rowan's little pumpkin (see the four little teeth?), Kristi's happy pumpkin, my pumpkin, and Elizabeth's cat.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

One Year Pictures

We met up with the photographer last night to finish out Rowan's set of pictures from his first year. Here is the sneak peak!!

Go to http://www.sfisherphotography.com/ and click on blog, scroll down, and there he is!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Bath Time II

Last Saturday evening, Em, Rowan, and I went over to Amy's, and Rowan had the best time playing with Eamon. They played and played and it was great to see them having so much fun. Bath time was especially fun.

Breast Cancer Walk

Last weekend, we did the Susan Komen Race for the Cure. We didn't race, per se. But we did walk! :) It was really encouraging to see so many women coming together to celebrate life and survival. Everyone was so enthusiastic and encouraging and it was a nice thing to see.

I'm glad that Jennie suggested we go. I had forgotten that it was last weekend. We met up with Jennie, her mom, Amy, Mrs. Guess, and Eamon. It was really nice to get to walk and spend time together.

Note the pink fountain...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Grandaddy and Gran T's

I have turned into my Dad. Now we both have to make sure we have our cameras on hand 24/7. Love you, Dad:) So glad you took all those pictures and recorded so many memories.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Park

We went to Anniston to meet up with my Mom and to go on a walk. Before our walk, we went to Hamilton Park in Anniston. It was strange being in the place we used to play as little girls with my little boy.

I love this first series of pictures.

Rowan loved the playground, though he's still a little small for it.

The slide was Rowan's favorite for the day.