Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Clarence's birthday was Wednesday. Rowan, Lydia, and I went to the store the night before, and Rowan picked out cups, plates and napkins for Clarence's, "party." And he picked out a birthday present for his Daddy.

Here are the cups/plates - Jake and the Neverland Pirates....

Lydia is excited. Below she is clapping!

And now she's saying, "Yay!"

Rowan's present

A hat!

Blowing out candles...Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Lydia 9 Months

I took these pictures to go with Lydia's 9 month post, but I was unable to get to posting them. But here is Lydia's picture at 9 months (almost - 2 days shy of 9 months).