Friday, April 17, 2009

Home now

I was gone two days this week to Miami, FL for a conference for work. It was actually quite a good conference, and I enjoyed myself and met some really nice, new people. But when it was time to go, I was SO ready to come home.  I missed my baby like crazy.

Thank you Dad, Twyla, Alex, Olivia for having Rowan and Clarence there. I think this made it much easier for Clarence in the driving situation. And thanks, Mom, for coming to play with him yesterday. I know he had a really great time with everybody. He seems so happy, even though he's not feeling well with another cold:( 

I still have Easter pictures to post, and I  have some pics from Miami, but I thought I'd post one Dad sent me this morning of Liv and Rowan. Livy's eyes may be closed b/c she's smiling, but I think that's why I like it so much. Love you guys:)

1 comment:

Ali said...

Glad you had a good time!